Saturday, December 23, 2017

Calvin's Annual Christmas Party - 2017

After a year sabbatical, we brought back Calvin's Annual Christmas Party. 

Was held on Saturday, November 25th.  
Always starts with setting things up.  

Takes a bit of time, but it's well worth it.  

The end result. 

The room completed and ready for guests. 

Our gift table. 

Soon filled with gifts ready for our gift exchange.  

Room full of guests. 
Was nice to see the room filled with people.  

Different tables.

We started off our evening (after Prayer and a Christmas carols) with a get to know you set of Christmas comparing Questions.  

Everyone seemed to be getting into it.  

My great table.  Whoot.  

Yyouth group table.  

After our social time it was time to EAT.  
Everyone putting their dishes out.  

A nice spread. 

I let the youth go first.....
Didn't go over well with everyone.  haha. : ) 

They controlled themselves.  

Relaxing over their food.  

As did all the others.  

After dinner (which was amazing BTW) it was time for some Christmas games. 

The object here was to unwrap the gift using the oven mitts (Joycegina and I spent a couple of hours wrapping and taping them VERY well : ) ).  
As one person is unwrapping, another to their left is rolling two dice.  When a double is rolled then the mitts go to that person and they continue to unwrap the gift.  

Keeps going until someone has unwrapped the gift.  

One rule is that you can't use your teeth, or other body parts, to open the gift and you can't punch the box once it's unwrapped to open it.  

It took some time, but eventually people were able to unwrap the gifts, only to find the boxes well taped too.  : ) 

But they managed to open the box.  

Now, some, it seems, didn't like my wrapping and taping I guess, and/or decided to get their anger out on the boxes. 
There was some punching going on.  : )

A broader view of the group. 

Joycegina and Annet getting the dishes done as the games go on.  

Then the groups had to come up with a Christmas word for each letter of the alphabet.  

Some pretty creative words were thought up. 

We also played Christmas pictionary in teams.  Lot of fun getting people to draw things like 
It's a wonderful like
A Christmas Carol
Beaver Tails.  : ) 

Time for a dessert break.  

Last table first, first table last.  : )

What Lena, you didn't want your picture taken ?   
So sorry.  : ) 

I guess going last means you can "stack" up on desserts.  :) 

Then it was time to clear the floor and prepare for the funnest part of the night...
Someone had the great idea of simply moving the table to the middle of the circle. 
Why hadn't I thought of that YEARS ago.  :) 

The group assembled. 
49 of us. 
The largest group to date. 
Soooooo, to ensure we weren't there until midnight I restricted the stealing of gifts. : ) 

Always fun to see what gets unwrapped.  : ) 

The theme this year seemed to be plants and fudge. 
I always look forward to Sonja's fudge.  : ) 
AND, since I was last to go, I GOT SOME.  WHOOT. 

Another great evening of food, fellowship, and games. 

Until next year.  

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