On Thursday, June 2nd, Calvin gathered together with giddy excitement at Andrew Hayden Park.
Every church has its traditions that identify and mark them as a congregation.
Every church has its traditions that identify and mark them as a congregation.
For Calvin, one of them is our annual church picnic.
The weather was iffy for this evening, but thankfully it held off. There are always people who arrive ahead of time to prepare the veggies for the burgers, etc.
Thanks for that.
Thanks too, Janine, for purchasing all the food this year. First time for you, but you did an awesome job.
Time to BBQ and get things moving.
Ian and David getting acquainted.
Picnics are great places to do that.
The spread just waiting to be consumed.
Everyone milling about and socializing, but all of them are thinking, "I'm hungry, let's get this show on the road."
FINALLY!! Let's eat.
It was windy, so we had to batton down the tables.
Women and Children First. : )
I always make friends and enemies when I announce that. : )
The line up of people waiting patiently for food.
All in all the weather held out and it was a great evening of fellowship and food.
Thanks again to Cheryl and all those who helped make this event a success.
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