Monday, December 30, 2013

CIA/ ETM Parent Appreciation Event - November 5th

In planning our CIA/ETM evenings, and doing the new format we are running, it takes some work to come up with fun events and mission events. 

I'm thankful for the internet (no, I can't claim all the ideas I come up with are actually mine...I know, I are shocked....but it's true!!!!  : )  ) 

So, while browsing the electronic highway, I found a site that suggested holding a parent appreciation evening.  Hmmmm, not a bad this post describes our parent appreciation event.  

We held it in the church basement ....
sorry Sarah..seems you didn't want to be in this picture.  : )

I bought desserts and our youth leaders made coffee....well, they were supposed to be making coffee....hmmmmm

Slowly people began to arrive with a parent(s) in tow. 

Ian was REALLY looking forward to coming....
to see ME of course....bahahaha

People began to settle in.

John is telling something very secretive to his kids.
I know what it is..."Hey girls, did you actually come up with something nice to say about me?"  : )  

We began our evening by having our YP serve their parent(s) coffee, tea, juice and a dessert.  What parent isn't going to like THAT! 

Samantha, don't just stand there....
get serving!!!

Kevin doling out desserts of different kinds. 

Heather working hard too.

Hey are you doing?  

Kyle....there's that deer in the headlight look again. 

Enjoying our desserts.

Hey Nicolette (with one L).  
You look scared.....why?

Mel, enjoying the desserts.

Thanks for all your work in the kitchen you great and awesome youth leaders.  

Lucy on a diet of whipped cream....not the best diet if you ask me.  

One we were filled with sugar, I had our youth share what they appreciated about their parents (yes, I'd asked them in advance to come up with something...thankfully, MOST of them did : ) ) 

Kyle shared a cool video clip....

Madii a great poem. 

Olivia and Nicolette told me they wouldn't talk in the group, but they made a very cool video presentation.  

Sarah almost made me cry with her thoughts of appreciation for Joycegina and myself.  

I'm not gonna cry....nope...
I'm not gonna cry......sniff, sniff....

Janika regaled us with a great poem.  

Simon went high tech in his thoughts about his mom.

Miranda went...well...low tech...  : ) 

Now John has a youth group all his own, with 6 kids and all.  Here are 4 of them heaping mounds of praise on their dad...sweet...I'm gonna tear up again.......

William sharing from the heart.  

Mom and dad receiving.....

Laura shared from her heart too.  
Mom looks very proud.  : )


Our youth leaders drinking it all in.  

Once the YP were done, I got a brainstorm idea to ask the parents if there was anything they wanted to say about their kids....
Yes, I put THEM on the spot...and it took a couple of minutes before someone was daring enough to share something, but once that one person did, the flood gates was cool to witness.  

I was touched by the expressions of love and appreciation that parents shared about their kids.  It reminded me that youth ministry deals with a very important group of people in the church...the children of parents who love, care for, and hold dear their children.  

Peter was introduced to the concept of "appreciation".  
Apparently he hadn't thought of this idea before when it came to his kids.  

Ian was thankful that his children were being raised in a community of faith...and not in isolation.  

Once the parents were done, I took the time to share how much I appreciated those who work with me in our youth ministry.....
We have 6 leaders....
Janine (unable to make it)
Ken (unable to make it). 
Over the years we have grown close, and, as Kevin pointed out, that's one reason I think we have an effective ministry here at Calvin.  We are close and able to share our lives with each other and that translates into authentic youth ministry.  
I have nothing but the utmost respect for these 6 individuals.  None of us are perfect, but all of us try to be real...and that is priceless.  

I then asked if any of our youth leaders wanted to share their thoughts...and most of them to hear....
almost teared up AGAIN!  

So, enough of the serious, mushy stuff. 
Time for some FUN! 
What's more fun than a group game of BUNKO! 

We split up into tables of 4 and spent about 1/2 hour playing....took a bit of time for me to explain the game...but I had LOTS of help. : ) 

The head table...or table where if you win, you stay..but if you lose you and your partner head to the very back of the room.  Chris stayed for quite some time.  

During the game, my faithful youth leaders cleaned up...
thanks again...but I think Kevin was starting to act up again....getting his towel ready for something other than drying dishes.  : )  

The game continued.

Chris, still at the head table.

A view of the whole group.  
All in all, I'd say this was one of the better youth group fun events we have done. 
A chance for us to express positive things about our families and celebrate the gift of family together.  
Gotta keep looking online for more great ideas.
They're out there...I know it.....  : ) 

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