On Tuesday, December 18th CIA and ETM held its Christmas Party get together.
We gathered at 6:30 pm, slowly, in the youth room.
This group just loves to socialize, and it's great to see that.
The grade 12's chatting it up.
This year, we decided to bless the residents of Extendicare by singing Christmas Carols to them.
You can see the whole group singing away. I tried to lead the singing (did ok at it), and the rest followed along. It was quite warm in Extendicare, so some of us were feeling a bit faint.
About 1/2 way through the singing, we took some time to say hello to the residents. Several comments were made after the fact by us that they really appreciated us coming. For some, no family was around to visit with them over the holiday time. It was nice to be a blessing to the seniors in our world.
Megan and Miranda taking some time to share.
Hannah saying hello. She's so good with people.
After about 45 minutes of singing, it was time to return to the church and have some fun making gingerbread houses.
We turned it into a bit of a competition (winners getting $5 Tim's cards). Looks like Leah is having fun.
Each group picked a sort of theme, I think, and ran with it. Every time I walked passed THIS table, I heard my family's names being mentioned. I was curious. :)
Icing sugar as glue....(I think I saw some REAL glue being used as well...yuck).
Kevin, having a moment to ponder the plan.
Jeannine's group working hard.
Jonah and David hard at work, creating my family home.
Hannah is making my body, I think....awkward!!! : )
Mel was having WAY to much fun with the icing.
Madii seems to be feeling victorious about something????
hmmmm, smiling...what are they trying to hide.....hmmmm
The houses are taking shape.
Fontana too, is having way too much fun with the icing sugar.
THIS group looks very serious......
Olivia and Amy doing the detail work.
Now THIS house became something VERY interesting...as you will soon see.
Carraugh watching and waiting to put the decorations on the house.
I see my family creation is taking shape.
I tried to get pictures of it, but they strategically placed themselves in the way. sigh.
The work continues......
This house has a great deal of detail....small wonder...it's Kevin's group. : )
The house that was blown over by a hurricane.
Sarah doesn't seem too happy with all the icing on HER hands.
David, on the other hand...tried to share it with me....back off buddy!!! : )
Almost done.......
and time for me to judge.....
I LOVE being in charge.... : )
What is that?????
My family....who's that GREEN guy! ?
Not sure what to make of this house....yet....
We don't believe in leftovers, so Jonathan ate the extra icing sugar....what a rush!
And now it's time to judge.
I liked the haphazard way this house was created.
As you can see from this house, it's actually a scale model of Calvin CRC...but again, who is that GREEN guy! ??
This house was quite messy inside...I don't like messy houses. : )
Kevin's group did and AWESOME job. Very detailed work. This one is a contender.....
The final house to be judged was the one on it's side.
Though I liked the detail of Kevin's group, I liked the originality of Janine's group more, so they ended up being the winners. Way to GO!!!!! They had a hot tub and everything.
After cleaning up it was time for sharing and food.
I got the drinks, and everyone else brought the food.
A nice shot of Hannah and Fontana...but...
will it last....
will it last....
no! : )
Mikaela came back to visit us. Nice to see her again. You're looking great too Madii.
Always laughing and smiling that Mikaela.
Who took THIS picture.....ughhhh
Kevin is pondering AGAIN!
Friends are friends forever....
David's friend....FOOD!
I think my son took this picture.
So, another year of CIA/ETM comes to a close...and we set forth to experience 2013. We'll see what God brings to our doorstep.
So, another year of CIA/ETM comes to a close...and we set forth to experience 2013. We'll see what God brings to our doorstep.
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