After a 10 minute drive, we parked our vehicles and began our hike to the falls.
There was a nice little river at the start of the hike, but that was it until the end of the hike.
We hiked.......
......and hiked....
........and hiked.......
People took the time to talk as we hiked.
Some took to having very private conversations...right Fontana...... : )
After a good hour of hiking we came to the falls. This is the lake that the canoe's will be coming from. They hadn't arrived yet.
Some of the falls that we weren't part of our swimming experience.
We unpacked our stuff and got ready for swimming....
Ben was the first one in the water. Sliding down a natural water slide. Refreshing.
Others weren't so quick to enter the water...choosing to watch at first.
Fontana, "So, the water looks cold...should I go in...or shouldn't I....I don't knowwwwwww.....!!!! "
I decided to just relax and cool my butt off in the water first. Notice my nice jean shorts...sure got some wonderful comments on those..... : ) They have finally been retired...
Above the falls there were some smaller water falls that you could simply sit under. Rosy and Ben enjoy them for a bit.
Father and son getting used to the water.
The beginning of the water slide can be tricky. Lots of sharp and slippery rocks.
Farther down the river there is a much steeper, and more dangerous, water fall. Several decided to hike over and see it.
On the other side of the rocks is a place you could jump off into fairly deep water. Peter showed us where.
Chad made a big Splash!
Megan H.......
not so big..... : )
Megan D.....small splash too....bahahahaha
Peter....big splash.....
That was an interesting picture of you going in the water Megan D.
Hmmmm, an interesting pose Jacob.......
Ah, my son......I didn't teach him to do this....honest..
Walking across the rocks can be tricky.
They all took it slow.
They all took it slow.
Life jackets from the canoe's made for some fun on the water slide.
Some of the YP came over to keep Kevin and Carmella "company". : )
After several hours at the falls, it was time to depart. Peter, Janine, Ethan, and Maddi took one canoe, and Rosy, Megan D, and myself the other.
It was a 2 hour canoe trip, but very nice. A good workout for my seizing shoulders. It was fun splashing Rosy and Megan as well, I must admit. I also learned that I don't steer a canoe in a very straight line (right Rosy), and that Megan makes a better passenger than a paddler.... : )
We also practiced our complimenting skills....
Ethan enjoyed himself thoroughly.
All in all a wonderful canoe ride.
Time for some afternoon rest time, eh Peter.
We needed more ice and firewood. I couldn't carry it all myself from the store, so I delegated the task to Chris H, Leah, Megan and Rosy. They were justly rewarded for their efforts. : )
The Popsicles were delicious.
Time for dinner.....spaghetti with meat and sauce and veggie's. Rosy's cooking again...she's so great when camping.
Megan D making the Juice....yes, that's a juice jug Megan...... : )
Fontana got lots of sun today....she's asleep on her feet....WAKE UP!!!!!!!
As some of us cooked, the rest of us felt like we were cooking, with all the sun burns that were received during our time at the falls. Apparently the sun is getting stronger, or people don't believe in using sunscreen.....time for some converting to be going on.
I rest my case...right sonny boy!!!!!
Rosy getting the sauce with meat ready.
I guess she got tired of standing...... sure got some sun today.... : )
Fontana eats a special diet, so she was done first. Maddi was just plumb tuckered. Maddi, who NEVER BURNS, burned well this weekend....right Maddi?
Some down time for Ethan....or was that for Janine : )
Dinner time.....see Maddi's as a tomato.
I think that was 3rd's for Chad...nothing like a good camping weekend to get the appetite going.
A great meal after a great day.
Annette, you got burned pretty good too.... sure stick out in this crowd.... : )
Megan H. Had a blast this weekend didn't you....
Some great eating pictures......I just LOVE taking them.
Nice colour......
Carmella, just relaxing....tired Carmella?
Doesn't that just look had to be there, and be hungry to appreciate it.
This has been Kevin's pose for much of his me food........ : )
Now just some face shots...I didn't take them...FYI
Janine, and Ethan's ear... look tired....'re just CRAZY man...CRAZY!
Your's Truly.
After supper the YP went for a walk, and eventual Kevin and Carmella took a romantic evening canoe ride. Turns out that was a good thing because.......
Rosy ended up falling into the water and hitting her leg on a sharp rock, puncturing it pretty deep. Kevin was able to assist Rosy as she went into mild shock. Rosy and Peter ended up leaving for home at about 8:30 pm and Rosy got 5 stitches in her leg. We all helped them pack up quickly, and I ended up taking both canoe's home.
Time to move to part 3 of this entry.......
4 stitches, Ron. But you were close...
Also, Smoorz is spelt a lot easier than that: s-'-m-o-r-e-s
Oh, and in Part 3: Megan and LEAH were making breakfast. I went home, remember? ;)
I just wanted you to BE THERE Rosy...that's why I put your name in...well, in actual fact, I got it wrong...but hey, I was thinking about you....and you to Leah!!!!!!
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