Sunday, December 11, 2011

GEMS/Boys Club enjoy a Visit From Missionary - Sheila

On Thursday, December 1st, GEMS, Boys Club, and even our Men's Group had the privilege of hosting one of our missionaries, Sheila D.  

 I was supposed to set up a projection screen that evening, but got tied up in an intense Volleyball Game.  I arrived just before 7 pm and set things up.  Someone else ended up taking pictures for the evening.  I'm going to have to give him/her some lessons on flash use....sorry for the blurry ones.  

 Sheila brought lots of cloths for the kids/adults to try on later in the evening.  

 Mouy is always smiling.  

 Here is Sheila giving a presentation to the GEMS, Boys Club, and apparently the Men's Group too.  Cool!  

 After a short time with everyone, Sheila spent some more quality time with just the GEMS group :) .  

 I wasn't around for this stuff, but I have my daughter sitting beside me right now telling me what went on in these pictures.  Here are some of the girls volunteering to show how babies were carried in Nigeria.  

 (I'm typing as my daughter is speaking, so bare with me). Here Sheila is getting the group ready to do a race where you had to pick up the "uniform"  for school and then go and tie the "baby" around your back, and then pick up the bucket and hold it on your head like the girl is doing to the left in the yellow shirt.  Then you had to walk to the end of the room and there were tables where you had to take off all your stuff (but not the cloths you came with) and there was notebook and paper.  This was like a pretend school and you had to copy out stuff. 

 Here is the group starting the game.  

 Here you see one of the girls in costume and holding the bucket, which, incidentally, Katrina said, contained water....and was HEAVY.  Looks like Mouy is enjoying herself.  Maybe she should be doing this game too!  : ) 

 Here they are at the end, doing the school work.  The ball was used to kick back to the next person to simulate playing soccer.  

 Here is Katrina in costume and holding the bucket...with a LITTLE help from Jackie.  I guess they filled them up pretty high.  

 After the game it was time for a fashion show.  Sheila helped many of the girls put on their head scarfs.  

 The leaders helped out too.......

 ....And apparently tried some on themselves.  Hmmmm, could pass for a wedding dress maybe Jackie.?  (tee, hee).    

 Jackie and Mouy in costume.....lovely.  

All the girls lined up ready for a fashion show.  

 Carraugh showing off her great looking dress.  

A final group shot of everyone.  
Thanks for coming out Sheila and sharing with our church the work you have been doing in Nigeria.  
Blessings to you in your continued work.  

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