Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classis Fall Meeting Report - October 21 - 22

Two times a year, Classis Eastern Canada meets to discuss the issues that pertain to its churches.  This past October 21 and 22 I attended Classis.  It was held in Brockville CRC.  

Here you see all the delegates to classis.  They consist of the Pastor, and Elder, and sometimes a Deacon.  

The work of Classis is always ongoing, but in March and October the churches gather together to talk face to face about ministry issues, set budgets, hear reports, etc.  Classis is a deliberative body so there also lots of discussion.  

Each Classis meeting also has lots of food.  The snacks and meals help us digest all the discussions and decisions that need to be made.  The food was once again great.  Thanks to all those who prepared the meals for us.  

Below you will see a summary report of the highlights of what went on this time in Classis.  If you have any questions about the report, please contact me, or Pastor Ken.  

Classis Eastern Canada 
October 21 - 22
Brockville CRC

The work of the Classis Interim Committee was approved since last meeting

Personnel committee looking for names to fill several slots for committees.  Eventually they were mostly filled. 

Report presented by Disability Concerns Rep outlining what has and has not been going on in this area. 

Report from Safe Church Team Rep given.  Looking for someone to replace Sarah as she finishes out her term.  That person was found before the end of the meeting.  

Campus ministry job description for Ottawa CRC Campus Ministry was presented and approved.  Committee is still seeking someone to fill the role of Campus Chaplain. 

Overture from Halifax RE using tap water vs. bottled water passed.  

Overture from Halifax Re ending Classis earlier on Friday night was discussed.  Classis will find ways to make the long days work better and report back.  

Overture from Charlottetown RE taking an active stance on Pornography was discussed and will be forwarded to Synod. 

Operational Review Committee gave its preliminary report and then solicited information from the group through some creative  Q & A.  In March a second report with possible recommendations will be forthcoming.  

Rev. Michael V was honorably  released from the office of Minister of the CRC as per church order  article  14 b  and will start ministry in Presbyterian Church. 

Dalhousie University Campus Ministry gave a presentation during our Friday night session.  

Budget for 2012 was presented.  Original request was for $205,974 with an increase of $8.71 per member.  After some motions were made and passed, budget for 2012 will be $189,474, a decrease of $418 over 2011, but an increase per member of $1.95  = $77.69 / member. 

Next meeting will be March 2 -3  in Barrhaven CRC. 

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