Friday, April 8, 2011

Kevin's first real love - in a murder mystery of all things....

For years Kevin, one of our youth leaders, has been helping out with set building in Ottawa.  

This year he decided, or was convinced - I'm not sure, to take an actual role in a play.   Last night several of us from the youth group saw the opening night show.  Below is the cover of the program....

We didn't quite know what to expect from the play, or from Kevin for that matter.  We were all pleasantly surprised.  The play was wonderful.  The acting very good, especially the lead actress.   Kevin played the following role:

He was very good, and comical many times.  During the play we noticed a budding romance forming between himself and another of the actresses.  I don't want to give anything away for those of you who may want to go see the play, but let me just say this.....

I now know that "look" from Kevin when it comes to true love.  I'll be looking for that look now, and when I see it, I'll know and be asking him about who she is for sure.  : ) 

If you want to go see a great play, and you live in Ottawa, consider travelling to the Mackay United Church Hall on Dufferin Road and Avon Lane.  For $20 you will laugh most of the night and watch some great entertainment.  

Cudo's to you Kevin.  You did a GREAT job.  Only 8 more performances to go eh!   

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