Friday, November 26, 2010

55+ Soup and Games Time with Calvin's Youth Group

On Sunday, November 14th, Calvin's Youth Group held another of it's intergenerational events.  At least once or twice a year we host our 55+'rs for a time of soup and buns and games.  

We had sluggish attendance the last time, but this time around we had many more of our 55+'rs come out.  They had a hoot!   

 You can see them here in the fellowship hall gathered together socializing.  If you look really closely, my son has done that magic trick again of being in the picture  twice....see if you can find Waldo (oh, I mean Chris.).  

We don't waste any time after church getting ready to eat.  It seems our "older" youth need to eat on time.  : )  

Being a 55+ event, it only seemed fitting to have them serve themselves first.   Eventually they figured out they could go down both sides of the table.  There were many different creations of soup this time around, even a vegetarian soup.  I wonder who brought that along.  : )   Yummy.

 Jeannine:  "Now Kevin,  this is how you make soup.  [Yack Yack Yack.....].  Kevin, rightly just kept looking at Jeannine's hand.....  : )   

 Just look at the soups (is that a word?).  The buns were great too.  The only thing missing seemed to be the meat balls. No soup with meatballs this time....thankfully no one stomped out of the fellowship hall in a rage!  : )

 Hannah always doing something strange for the camera.  Hey, you are blocking out my daughter...I'll have to photo shop you out later on......................

 The intent of doing this event is to get the youth and the 55+'rs to mingle.  Hence, I had to rearrange them before lunch began.  Here is a table mingling....and for the record, George and Ken are not 55+.  The former, a parent of two of our YP; the latter, a youth leader.  I just want to be clear on that.  

 Here are more people sharing conversation together.  Jacob looks enthralled.  

 After our stomachs were full, out came the games.  This was the loudest table....can't you see who is at this table....Leah, Fontana, and Hannah.  Enough said!  Good thing the others at this table were able to turn their hearing aids down.  Whew....

 Before we began the games, I had to warn the youth that, at times, our elder folk have a tendency to slip back into their carnal nature, and how shall I say it......CHEAT!  : )   Now I don't know if Pastor Ken was cheating or not....(he's not 55+ yet either BTW, but closer to it than I am), but he didn't talk for a loooonnnnngggg time while this game was going on.....The beads of concentration sweat were forming, I can tell you.  

 John (center of picture with hand outstretched)  saying to his wife Jane, "Jane, if you slip me $5 I promise not to cheat! 

 Now here's a colourful game.  Dutch blitz it's called.  I got a headache just looking at the cards.  

 Ben playing scrabble of all things.  Go figure.  Harry loves this game.  Nice and quiet....sorry you couldn't concentrate so well because of that gaggle of girls behind you.....

A yes, and finally, the private party of three.  Banana grams.  I hate that game.....more because I can't do it well than anything else.  Joycegina and Tammy closed the place down playing this game.  

During our games we had some dessert, and I cleaned up in the kitchen for the most part so others could play games.  Another fun afternoon and a time for the generations to mix.  We hope to do this again next year sometime, and hope to see more of you who are 55+ out for a fun time together.  

Oh, and below is a short movie clip of the games time.  Notice the noise level coming from Leah, Fontana and Hannah.  They all are having a hoot....which just makes me smile.......

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