Thursday, October 22, 2009

C.I.A. visits Friendship Group

This past Tuesday CIA spent the night with our Friendship Group. We were in charge of the play. We also stuck around to help with the craft and just to socialize.

The play was about John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Costumes were the order of the night. A simple sheet with a belt. I think Hannah went a bit overboard. Not sure if they had such colourful designs back then. : )

Here everyone is getting bugs from Janine. Locusts were eaten back then. I don't think these were edible though....did anyone eat them?
Here's the group all dressed and ready to go. Notice that great moustache job on Leah. Here's a close up. Great job Leah.
We began our time with song. Here we are singing with the Friendship group.
Many in the Friendship group assist in playing when the songs are happening. We make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Chris ended up playing the main part of John the Baptist. He's holding is cracker with honey on it. He looks hungry.
Here is Rey, the worship leader. He always does a great job leading the group in song, even when the computer is not up and running with words to the songs.
Tyler loves to play his guitar. A rousing ending to a song as this picture was taken.
Michelle heads up the group. She does a great job of coordinating things. Here she's giving some announcements.
Bible memory verse time. Each word was slowly covered up with squares with $$ on it.
As the squares were put up, the group continued to recite the verse and got $$ if the guessed the word that was covered up.
Then it was time for the youth group to do their play.
Rosalynn reading from the script.
Chris was acting out the actions to the words that were being spoken. At times it looked like he was dancing. Nice moves son.
Ah, he finally got to eat that cracker with honey on it.
The dove descending on Jesus after he was baptized.
After the play, we had prayer time, and then it was into the fellowship hall. The theme for the evening was Halloween so many of the group dressed up for the night.
We enjoyed time together doing a craft and having snack.
Jacob made a craft as well.
Here David and Janine are helping out.
Doug entertained us with a song using the tambourine. Nice Job!
Nice hair Rey and Pieter. I think you need to check out the color on the Grecian Formula box next time. : )
A nice picture.
Here a shot of the whole group as we close out the evening.
It was great to spend another night with our Friends. We hope to do it again in the new year sometime.
We had 1/2 hour to spare, so the group went downstairs to "relax". I don't call indoor football you! ?
Foosball is always popular. I think the boys won.
I guess it was actually indoor tackle football.....hmmmmm
Thanks for another great night CIA. See you very soon.

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