Wednesday, February 4, 2009

R.A.K.E. for Kevin G. with ETM & CIA

On Tuesday, Feb 4th - 19 of us travelled with Kevin G to a small little place in Richmond to assist him in the building of a set for a Gilbert and Sullivan Play.
Kevin volunteers making sets for a company that puts on G & S plays. He's been doing this for a couple of years now, and is now head set designer (or something like that).
Last year a much smaller group from CIA (our grade 9 - 12 youth group) helped Kevin out, so we offered to do this again with our grade 7 - 12's.
I took 4 guys with me to Richmond. I'll not mention their names to protect the guilty, but let me just say that one of them didn't breath the whole way there. One long run-on sentence, no breath, honest.
The subject matter.....Star Wars. Trivia about Star Wars. Memorized clips from Star Wars. Nothing BUT Star Wars. A definite fan. I wonder if he and the others in the car know their Bibles that well......hmmmmm. Food for thought for me anyway.
We arrived at the place and piled out of our cars. Seems Kevin wasn't expecting quite so many people so there was a bit of a lull at the beginning as he got us all working (well, the others working would be more honest. I supervised : ) ) .
Here you see Hannah, Rozzy and Foo, Foo passing the time doing.....well, attempting, to, maybe dance or something?
Here Ken, Shawn and Sam get ready to cut small strips of wood using a skill saw. They enjoyed themselves.
Shawn using the skill saw. Notice the safety goggles. Mandatory equipment.
Bethany, Joy and Megan were assigned a woodworking task. Using glue and a nail gun they assembled the skeleton of some columns.
Here is Bethany nailing the pieces in place. Ask her sometime how well the gun works when it's empty and what happens to the wood when it's not nailed in (tee, hee).
Here is 1/2 of their handiwork. Impressive!
Kevin gets more column skeletons ready for Bethany, Joy and Megan.
Micheal gets his turn at the nail gun, as did others.
Here Kevin works while, well, the others watch..... : )
Painting was also on the agenda for the evening. Several of the group made quick work of priming steps for the play.
"This is the way I roll and paint, roll and paint, roll and paint. . . "
Foo, Foo and Rozzy talk together, and get some painting time in too.
Chis, "You want to paint that spot Jonah?" Jonah, "No Chris, you may paint that spot!" Chris, "No, I insist. You may paint that spot." Jonah, "No, I just couldn't. Please go ahead....." So paint already..... !!!!
Looks like Jacob is going grey a bit early.
The crew hard at work.
As time drew to a close it seems that Jacob and Ben had had enough of each other and a fight broke out.
Ben was not going to be outdone, so here's the retaliation move..... (Just kidding, really. It's all staged...honest : ) )
We were able to get all the work done that Kevin wanted and that was a good feeling. It was nice to be able to help him out. He and the group of volunteers with him put a lot of effort and time into making sure the G & S plays have quality sets. It was nice to be a part of that once again.
Thanks young people for working hard and sharing your gifts and skills with someone who needed them. P.S. On the way home, AS SOON AS WE ENTERED THE CAR, the conversation turned to the movie series "The Lord of the Rings - Trilogy." Again, trivia on the Rings, memorized scenes from the Rings, etc, etc. ARRRGGGGHHHHH !!!! (Really, very interesting to note the excitement of the group about this, but mention the Bible and Jesus, and they seem to disconnect. Again, hmmmm, food for thought for me for sure).


Anonymous said...

Kevin is the Technical Director and Master Carpenter.
NOT the Set Designer.

Makusi Peter said...

Hey Ron i have a blog too but it is for school but you still can go on it it is

Anonymous said...

oh ron were wernt attempting to dance we were DANCING and we were dancing wonderfully